Need Help Finding The Right Product?
We understand that trying to purchase the right product can be daunting and a bit confusing as there is so many products on the market. Please find our flow chart above which can help narrow down finding the right product suitable for you.
Please complete the chart above to see which of the following products which will be best suited to your patient...
Wireless Bed Pad With Pager - PAGING BED ALARM WITH WIRELESS BED SENSOR PAD - No alarm in patient's room | Austin Medical - Products to help reduce elderly falls from bed or chair!
Wireless Floor Mat With Pager - WIRELESS FLOOR MAT WITH PAGING ALARM, for bed or doorway (alarm monito | Austin Medical - Products to help reduce elderly falls from bed or chair!
Wireless Motion Sensor And Pager - BEDSIDE MOTION SENSOR & PAGER..... So you know when they are trying to | Austin Medical - Products to help reduce elderly falls from bed or chair!
Some factors to keep in mind...
Have you got a patient who is light weight? (under 10 stone)
If you're looking at purchasing one of our bed alarms you will benefit from purchasing our larger bed pad, this will prevent any false alarms and eliminate the risk of the pad not alarming at all. As the patient is so light, the smaller pad will have trouble picking up their weight, the larger pad however has a larger surface area so more of the patient will be on the pad ensuring the pad has enough weight on it to sense the movement of the patient.
Is your patient observant of their environment?
Sometimes we find that patients can become used to their environment and notice when carers introduce new products to help care for them. For example, if you brought a motion sensor which sits on the floor next to the headboard end of the bed, would the patient notice it? If so you might be best with one of our wireless bed alarm systems as there is no cords attached to the pad, the pad sits underneath the fitted sheet of the bed so they can't see it. It's also covered in soft vinyl and has a foam interior for comfort so they would not feel the pad underneath them.
Still not sure?
If you still need some help deciding which product is right for you please call our highly knowledgeable customer service team on 0345 0660506 or alternatively you can email us at info@austinmedical.co.uk