Checklist from NHS to help prevent falls in the home

Customer Service

The NHS offer the following simple tips to reduce the risks of falls in the home.

There are things you can do to minimise the risk of a fall occurring in the home, from simple things like mopping spillages to making sure bulbs are high-wattage.

  • Make sure any rugs and mats are attached to the floor and are non-slip
  • Arrange cupboards and shelves so important things are within easy reach
  • Fasten any unavoidably trailing wires to the floor, such as with duct tape
  • Make sure that any spillages, particularly liquid spillages, are cleaned up as soon as possible
  • Fasten trailing wires to the floor, such as with duct tape
  • Be aware of the obstacles that unnecessary clutter can cause
  • Check your carpets for tripping hazards such as fraying or ruffles
  • Keep working torches on hand in case of power outages
  • Use high-wattage light bulbs and make sure there are replacements available
  • Encourage your relative to take care of their feet, for example by trimming their toenails regularly and wearing well-fitting shoes

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